Racism is a sensitive topic. You either spark rage or you start conversation for new perspective.

One should not shy away to express how they feel.

I am speaking from my personal perspective of a filmmaker, educator and as a privilege majority race in my country.

With social media (public shaming) and alongside pandemic, there is a rise of hate crimes around the world.

Just two weeks ago, there were several racist incident reported on the mainstream media in Singapore.

Racism is everywhere and it did not just happen recently.

To begin, I question myself what is racism? How do I consider if I am a racist?

In my own interpretation:

A racist is someone who categorises another race as a whole in a negative stereotype manner.

Does having that negative stereotype thought, makes me a racist?

If I do call out another person from another race in a negative stereotype manner, then obviously I am a racist.

However, racism can happen within the same race too.

So what is racism? Is it having a stigma or a different view consider a racist? And where did it all begin?

“No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin or his background or his religion.

People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love,

for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.”

Nelson Mandela

Can a racist share their view in a constructive way?

Educators play a crucial role, they can either mislead or pollute the young.

Should we be aware and accept that we are all racist in different levels?

As Singaporeans, we have accepted to live with one another’s race and tradition under the same estate and community. (Be it the smell from the cooking, funeral or rituals)

There are talks about one HUMAN RACE. Can we truly learn from our hate and accept one another?

As Singaporeans, we have never undermined each other’s strength and weakness.

I made a film about this topic 10 years ago. Watch it below.

Let me know what you think and feel?

#racism #hate #raystories

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