Health Promotion Board: Falls Prevention
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Health Promotion Board: Falls Prevention
Health Promotion Board: Falls Prevention
image movie

( Grandson and Grandmom )


Capture precious moments with loved ones and make them last a lifetime. Our relatable campaign highlights the pure joy of seeing aged parents play with their grandchild – a priceless moment that everyone deserves to experience.

Designed for both the elderly and their caregivers, our campaign reminds us that humans are mortal and that we must take good care of ourselves to prevent health issues in the future. It’s a wake-up call to the reality that accidents and the inevitable can happen to anyone.

Don’t wait until it’s too late to start taking care of yourself. Our TVC emphasizes the importance of maintaining a well-balanced lifestyle so you can enjoy your time with your loved ones for years to come. Join us in promoting health and happiness by watching our campaign today.